We answer your most frequently asked questions

How is this program different from current support (sessions with a psychologist, group session organized by my employer, etc.)?

We have brought together the best experiences that currently work in the support and mental health sectors, and added a modern dimension that corresponds to the current needs of the world we live in: pragmatism, efficiency, adaptability, personalization and brevity .

The programs offered are given over a period of 6 months only, in perfect harmony with your schedule, with an individual objective, combining various experts (coaches, psychotherapists, therapists), action-oriented, including workshops and with sustainability of the results and benefits.

I train myself and I also train my teams (for example on managing emotions, team management and other topics). How is this different?

Training and support are complementary:

Training allows you to increase your knowledge on a subject
The support allows you to work on yourself and your posture. It is personalized and adapted to you, your story, your challenges. It raises awareness, and gives you the keys to concrete internal and external changes.
Accumulating training can have a pressure effect: the duty to accumulate knowledge without having the opportunity, time, possibility, availability to put it into practice.

To be available for training, it is necessary to be available, to be fully mentally present. If we are irritated, frustrated or exhausted, it is difficult to absorb new information which will require energy.

On the contrary, support allows us to regain our energy, know ourselves better, make choices, manage our stress, gain awareness, have the keys to understanding our functioning and therefore regain control.

In this program we have combined the two: personalized support during the 5 individual sessions and training on very concrete tools during the 2 workshops.

How do I know if the support program is right for me or my teams?

This program is for you if one or more of these situations seem familiar to you: you feel tired, stressed, helpless, helpless in the face of the system, sometimes have a feeling of guilt, lose faith in your impact, have a variable mood, have difficulty managing your professional relationships or reconciling your professional and personal life, you feel alone in the face of your challenges, have aggressive or hypersensitive reactions.

I have a schedule that changes all the time and I am sometimes only available in the evening or during the week or on weekends.

This is why we offer remote support at times that suit you. You make an appointment according to your schedule, and the schedule may change from one session to another.

I feel pretty good, why follow this program?

It is true that our support programs seem obvious when we feel exhausted, but why not embark on our programs when everything is simply going well.

When you feel good, when you have the resources to work on yourself, on your posture, it is an ideal time to give yourself time to work on what is important: behaviors or reactions that can resurface , a desire to clarify one’s posture, the way one manages one’s teams, one’s stress and one’s decision-making.

My teams feel pretty good, why follow this program?

It is true that our support programs seem obvious when we feel exhausted, but why not embark on our programs when everything is simply going well.

To maintain the atmosphere, cohesion, team spirit, cooperation within your team, you can decide to give a support space to people who have a key role within the organization, driving force of motivation and team federation.

It is in prevention rather than cure that the results are the most lasting. As in any other field, in non-emergency situations we can take the time to do in-depth work rather than doing it urgently and hoping for results under pressure.

What is the price ?

We have set a price of €980 per program including a preliminary interview, the 5 individual sessions, the 2 workshops and lifetime online access to find the tools transmitted. The price is a crucial point for us and this is why we have agreed with our entire team to put in place accessible prices while ensuring the same quality of support in order to work together to pursue our common mission.

As a non-profit organization, the sale of this program allows us to remain financially independent and thus provide access to mental health to all without any political or state dependence.

In addition, you have a joint impact: for every program purchased, a program is offered to a counterpart, who cannot afford it.

If you have identified your need to follow this program and your organization does not have the financial means to access the program, you can join our selection process for beneficiaries sponsored by the Foundation, based on specific criteria. Contact us at the following address: contact@ekozali.org to receive details.

It’s our turn to take care of you

It’s our turn to take care of you

Whether you’d like to take our support program for yourself or for your teams, contact us to discuss the next step together.

For every program purchased, a program is offered to a front-line professional who cannot afford it.

Multiply your social impact..

Our partners

Support quality of education, human rights and personal care

Support quality of education, human rights and personal care

More than ever, we need you to support, accompany and inspire the frontline professionals who have a direct impact on us, our children and our loved ones.