Our goal

Our goal

Back to well-being

Back to well-being

Exhaustion, stress and demotivation affect most of us in a frenetic, demanding world. Some organizations like yours are extremely exposed (schools, hospitals and grassroots associations).

At Ekozali Foundation, we mobilize the best experts (therapists, coaches, psychologists) in a unique, short, comprehensive, well-thought-out support program, adapted to your schedule, to give you and your teams renewed momentum, meaning and fulfillment.

Ekozali Foundation’s mission is to provide support the well-being of front-line professionals in the fields of education, healthcare, humanitarian and NGO staff.

Our solution

A unique support program


Our knowledge of the challenges specific to your sector has helped us to develop our program.


Our team is made up of experienced coaches, therapists and psychologists, with a strong ethic and shared values.


Choose your own pace by scheduling your sessions according to your availability. Define your coaching objective with your expert


Take advantage of opportunities to discuss, share experiences and meet peers


Imagine a world where, by getting support, you give the same opportunity to a front-line professional who can’t afford it.

Absenteeism • Career abandonment • Job shortages

Alarming reality

Currently, 1 in 2 people in the education, healthcare and NGO sectors suffer from burnout.

Permanent stress, extreme fatigue and even loss of identity.

The frenetic pace of our times and the quest for profitability are omnipresent. Fewer resources and more problems to solve.

Source : Stanford Social Innovation Review study on the non-profit sector | Stress, burnout, anxiety and depression among teachers | Burn-out, the disease of the century ravaging the hospital environment, Study on well-being at work among medical staff.

Over the past decade, the rate of mid-career dropouts has doubled in the education, health and NGO sectors.

These plummeting front-line sectors have a direct and immediate repercussion on the quality of services delivered to those who need them most.

This has a direct and dramatic impact on our humanity and its foundations.

Source :The teacher shortage: a problem common to all schools. | World Health Organization Secretariat. | Trauma-related mental health problems among national humanitarian staff.

Our Ekozali experts

Coaches • Psychologists • Therapists

It’s our turn to take care of you

It’s our turn to take care of you

Whether you’d like to take our support program for yourself or for your teams, contact us to discuss the next step together.

For every program purchased, a program is offered to a front-line professional who cannot afford it.

Multiply your social impact.

Support quality
of education, human rights and personal care.

Support quality of education, human rights and personal care.

More than ever, we need you to support, accompany and inspire the frontline professionals who have a direct impact on us, our children and our loved ones.