Our experts​

Frédérique Suriya


I have been practicing holistic aromatherapy and the sensory approach to aromatic and medicinal plants for almost 10 years. I am an expert in the art and science of using essential oils to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and balance.

One of my skills is to assess individual needs and offer personalized support. Today, I have the privilege of being part of the Ekozali Foundation, which I joined with enthusiasm on the one hand, because I am aware of the need of people on the front line to access well-being on the other hand. , with gratitude, as I have always aspired to collaborate with peers of varied talents for an integrative approach. And finally, with enthusiasm, because together we form a team committed to placing well-being at the heart of change.

Our Ekozali experts

Coaches • Psychologists • Therapists

It’s our turn to take care of you

It’s our turn to take care of you

Whether you’d like to take our support program for yourself or for your teams, contact us to discuss the next step together.

For every program purchased, a program is offered to a front-line professional who cannot afford it.

Multiply your social impact.

Support quality of education, human rights and personal care.

Support quality of education, human rights and personal care.

More than ever, we need you to support, accompany and inspire the frontline professionals who have a direct impact on us, our children and our loved ones.